Sunday, January 31, 2010

finished and listed two new pieces on etsy...yay

hopefully will get more done tomorrow

Friday, January 29, 2010

Don't have much to say's been pretty quiet here. Work, home, cook, eat, computer, bed...pretty boring life I would say. But that's ok...quiet time is good once in a while

Saturday, January 23, 2010

well, trying to get some more stuff done, but between work and life...not much time left.

spent last night in the ER with one of the kids....he's ok, but the ER is not a fun place! Very interesting people watching though!

after the running around this morning, I'm going to try to sit and work this afternoon for a while.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

trying to post some more pictures of my work....we'll see if it works
quiet night....little bit of work done, but time to watch grey's...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to my new this is the first blog I have ever had, I am learning as I go!

I hope to add more as I learn and will improve as time goes by....

I have been spending most of my free non-working hours creating mosaics. I don't consider working on mosaics really's more like relaxation time! Hope you enjoy looking at some of my creations....